AKA Ry Ry as she likes to call herself

Addy Grace Medeiros

Riley and Addy

So I have been completely neglecting my family blog page. With everything going on from the baby to Riley's birthday parties (yes there were multiple ones....the Medeiros Family party and her party at home with all of her friends and family here) I feel so stretched that it is hard to commit to a time to work on our blog page. I have recently mastered grocery shopping with two children, something I had been fearing since I had Addy. And the weird thing is, I think Ry can tell when I am stressed or apprehensive because she totally behaves and is my perfect angel. She is actually adjusting better than I thought. We, like all other family's with 2 year olds are suffering from the terrible two's, but besides the occasional hitting or "no" I swear she is wonderful. She loves her baby sister and trys to be my big helper all day long. And I totally love it! I will attach a few pics of my beautiful girls for everyone :)
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