I feel like I am finally starting to enjoy having two children. It's not that I didn't enjoy them up until this point, it's that I was too busy to take joy in all the cute little things they do. But the older Addy gets the more she can act independantly. Sure she still rely's on me to feed her and hold her and love on her, but she can now play on her own. The first time I saw Riley and Addy play together I just about cried realizing that in such a short time the two of them would soon be the best of friends. Riley has matured into the most amazing big sister. She wants to teach Addy how to do everything and looks out for her when I walk into the kitchen or leave the room. I am so blessed to have such an amazing loving little helper in Riley.
Addy got her 1st tooth and is working her way into solids. We are still primarily on mush but we have added cheerios and noodles and scrambled eggs to the eadible list. I have learned from my food mistakes with Riley and am determined not to make them the second time around with Addy. And beleive it or not my daughter LOVES veggies! Squash, sweet potatoes, corn, peas, green beans.....you name it, she loves it!